Design and implementation of a special platform website Dealers’

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Design and implementation of a special platform website Dealers’

Design and implementation of a special platform website Dealers’

A few words about the Brand

The technological excellence of Peugeot is a given. Our collaboration, launched in 2011, proves to be a smart one since it includes a multitude of projects on multiple levels of digital marketing.


The reason for this project was our proposal that all Peugeot Dealers should have a strong online presence with a common look and feel. Our goal was to create the right design, which at the same time communicates the brand principles and the character of the dealer.

The strategy we followed

Our goal was to present a modern and user friendly online environment,  common to all dealers. In time management, we chose to keep some sections of Dealers websites under common management.

In this way, communication from Peugeot Hellas would be shared with all dealers, and each dealer could communicate his own personalized content.

At the same time, the implementation of the internal pages (models, services, etc.) was done in such a way as to help to collect quality leads. Another parameter, taken into account, was the improvement of organic search.

2018-07-16T15:09:37+00:00 July 10th, 2018|Categories: Projects, Websites|Tags: , , |
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