Instant Articles the new Must!

Instant Articles the new Must!

Instant Articles the new Must!

Facebook Instant Articles (February 2016). The use of mobile Internet has increased in recent years. At the same time, Facebook’s mobile app is at the top-3 of most downloaded apps worldwide.

In the above we should add the less free time we have in our everyday life. Online users are now terribly demanding, have no time to waste and want immediate and qualitative information.

Facebook had identified a very important problem in Facebook advertised articles: the very slow loading of articles on mobile devices.

Facebook Instant Articles: What is it?

Facebook Instant Articles brought a great innovation, as the loading speed is 10 times greater than that of simple articles. The user just has to click on the corresponding Facebook post and his article has been uploaded immediately. Technically, the article is “uploaded” on Facebook page by placing a special code before even the user clicks.

So, loading is done in-app, without the need for browser activation.

Beyond immediacy, Facebook Instant Articles also brought innovations in the field of design.

On click, the user has a full-screen experience with many features such as auto-play video, zoom in image galleries, photo carousel and more.

The new technology enables the user to interact, dramatically reducing abandonment rates (a 70% drop in the abandonment rate).

Benefits from Instant Articles

Brands using Facebook Instant Articles technology have benefited greatly. According to Facebook’s own statistics, it has been noted:

  • Clicks on instant articles are 20% more than clicks in simple articles
  • The bounce rate in instant articles is 70% lower
  • Shares in instant articles are 30% compared to those in plain articles



2018-07-11T14:20:48+00:00 July 10th, 2018|Categories: News|

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